If you haven’t redesigned your website for a while, it may be high time. Even well-designed websites get stagnant without periodic updates.

(Pixabay / kalhh)
Here are some signs that your website may need a facelift:
- It’s out of style – Your website may have been cutting edge when it was designed, but web trends change in the same way that clothing fads fluctuate. If your website looks out of style or your design is hard to navigate, users will move on to other sites.
- Your information is inaccurate – If you have not touched your website since it was created, some of the products or services that you advertise might have been phased out and key information (including your contact details) may have changed. Review your site from time to time to make sure that it is fully accurate.
- Your website is not mobile-friendly – Having a mobile-friendly website design increases conversions. Why? Roughly three-fourths of online users have mobile devices which they frequently use to search the Internet. People shop on-the-go, and if your website cannot be viewed properly on mobile devices, you will be leaving money on the table.
- You are not getting the results you want – You probably set up your website to increase brand recognition and drive up profits. If you are not getting what you expect from your website, it may be lacking. Try redesigning to ensure that it is contributing effectively to your business growth plan.
A website is a significant investment, but it’s not a one-and-done pursuit. Be sure to tweak your site regularly to ensure that it is still supporting your business goals.