What is HTML5?

HTML5 is taking over the internet as the primary way to structure web pages. However, the fight for HTML5 was already underway when former Apple CEO Steve Jobs was still alive. Jobs wouldn’t allow Flash, the more common feature at the time, to be used on his iOS devices. His major argument was that HTML5 could do the same things that Flash did at the time, but more securely. While many people argued against him, a good number of these detractors now concede that HTML5 is changing the way the internet is functioning.

What is HTML5

(Pixabay / fxxu)

Hypertext Markup Language, more commonly known as HTML, is the code that web developers create to describe the web pages people visit on a regular basis. The code provides the basic structure for the webpage, while programs like JavaScript execute commands on a webpage and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) give the overall presentation for the page. HTML5 is the latest version of HTML and is commonly used today.

Earlier versions of HTML could barely hold together a simple page layout and required a large variety of “extras” to work correctly. Since then, coding has come a long way. HTML5 was designed to make web pages work without extras, and it delivers.

This type of coding can do a large variety of things, from building complex applications for your browser to animation apps and videos. HTML5 can work on desktops and mobile devices and can be used to write web applications that still run and work when viewed offline.  Another perk of HTML5 is that it’s used with all popular browsers, including Safari (desktop and mobile), Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera.

You can expect many new sites to use HTML5 as the basic structure for their website as we move into the future.  If you’re looking to create a website that uses HTML5, tools like Adobe’s Dreamweaver can help.