When making a website, we often focus so much on the homepage that we forget about how important the About Us page can be. The homepage is the very first place that customers usually land, but the About Us page is where they get to know your company, and its importance shouldn’t be overlooked.

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Why Does it Matter?
For a lot of companies and website owners, the About Us page is pretty daunting to write. Based on user analytics, however, a lot of potential customers go to this page for a good reason. First, they want to make sure that the website they are visiting is legitimate. They also want to see if the company can satisfy their needs.
Many business owners don’t know where to start when writing the About Us page. The goal of the page is to inform the reader about who you are and why you’re important, but there are drawbacks to giving too much information or coming off as though you’re tooting your own horn. Too much informing can be dry and dull, and too much bragging can seem disingenuous and off-putting.
How to Improve Your About Us Page
One of the easiest ways to improve your About Us page is by talking more about your audience and less about your company. This might seem counter-intuitive, but it yields impressive results. When people visit your About Us page, they aren’t so much curious about your company as they are about what your company can do for them. This means that if you start telling your audience the type of things you can do for them, they will be able to decide if your company is the solution to whatever problem they are trying to fix.
Another way to improve the About Us section is by using different kinds of media. There are many ways to tell a story. You can write it all out as an essay, but that can get boring after a couple of sentences. Adding more pictures, videos, and even animated GIFs can significantly increase customer retention.
Don’t forget to provide your address and contact details. If you are open and transparent about these things, you are assuring your customers that you are real and that you are available to talk with them. This will make them trust you, which will, in turn, help them have faith in the content of your website.
The About Us page is more than just a place where your customers can read up about you. It is a crucial marketing tool to ensure that your customers can trust you and remember your brand. If you execute it correctly, users are more likely to explore all of the content on your website, which can translate into increased sales, exposure, and publicity.