Easter Eggs: 5 Secrets Lurking on the Internet

Intentionally hidden secrets in websites, movies, video games, and other media are known as Easter Eggs. These hidden gems are tucked away in plain sight, and you have to unlock their mysteries by looking closely, typing a word, phrase, or some key combinations. It’s funny to think that many Easter Eggs are likely the result of bored programmers. And for that, we love them. In recognition of Easter, our web designers present some of the web’s infamous Easter eggs.

Secrets lurking on the Internet

1. Atari Breakout

Developed by Nolan Bushnell and Steve Bristow, Atari Breakout is a pong game that could kill your time. So be careful, it is addictive. To play the game, type “Atari breakout” into Google image search. Then, hit enter. Say goodbye to the next hour.

2. The Book of Mozilla

Not the typical book filled with pages and pages, The Book of Mozilla has only six official verses. And each passage is in the style of apocalyptic literature. Yep, it’s like a gospel. To read them, type “about: Mozilla” in the address bar of Firefox browser. Can you understand them? We don’t know what they’re trying to say.

3. The Konami Code

This code is a secret key that unlocks wonders planted by Konami in their classic games. Now, it’s being used to find online Easter eggs. To perform the code, hit the arrow keys: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a. This has been reported to work on various websites such as Vogue.com, GQ.com, Digg.com, and BuzzFeed. Just refresh the page to go back to its normal view.

4. The Dinosaur Inside the “Unable to Connect” World

Have you seen the little dinosaur that appears every time Google can’t display a webpage? It turns out that this cute dinosaur thinks he’s like “Mario,” with some adventures of his own. Try it. Disconnect your Internet and search anything using Chrome. Now, he’s standing ready for action. Press the space bar and let the journey begins.

5. Facebook for Pirates

It’s not only Google and Mozilla goofing around, Facebook, too, has their own Easter egg. Go to Facebook and change your language setting to English Pirate. Now, Home becomes, “Home Port” and News Feed becomes “Captain’s Log”. Avast ye, matey!